Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Hello! Even though my brain synapsis and individual grey-matter cells have all been in mutiny, I did promise you that a humorous blog post was on its way. I keep waiting for the humor fairies to come sprinkle my mind with some dust…well actually you can probably obtain that illegally, but here I digress.
Four out of the last five posts have been Uber-Serious…I just feel as though my brain is now the consistency of the snowy-slush that sits in great, giant, sloppy piles everywhere…
BUT---the sun is shining---Oh blessed rays! EXCEPT----*bitter irony* I had to close the blinds because I was getting a searing snow-blind headache! But it’s okay, because bare, green ground is showing….
Hello Spring!!! I see you. I know you are peeping at me from around March’s corner! Oh yes! I cannot see, but I can ‘feel’ the tender green shoots working their way up inside the snow drifts, banks, and berms. I can ‘smell’ the colors that are coming; every beautiful shade of green, pinks, creams, purples, scarlets, yellows...endless possibilities. Craving this coming Spring is like thirsting for water, or craving air!!! My very cells are impatient. They crave gentle breezes, and delicious earthy smells, and vast spaces….
Hello spaciousness. The birds in my little nest are nested elsewhere (except for the youngest…he nests and nests and I am so very much at peace with that!) Yes, all the bees in the hive are starting their own hives again! Oh, my I am bold to even think it, let alone say it! BUT----I have been putting my little house back together, piece by piece. What a stupendous thing! I walk around in the spaciousness and the peace. I pray out loud with praise, thanksgiving and laughter…..
Hello laughter! I have been getting waves of weirdness from Facebook, and they fascinate me. It seem, of late; I have had to keep taking certain stands on certain issues. Guess what, gentle reader? I got my first Facebook “unfriending”----for Jesus! It was awesome! I just spoke the truth in love, and did indeed love this lady. She said I was a “Sweetheart” but she knew I wouldn’t be able to let certain things go…well, she was uncannily correct. Truly, I am very careful to pick my battles. The only thing that really matters---for me---is to stand for my Jesus in an honoring and loving way. She didn’t want to hear that He is the Only Way ( if you can imagine)…so….she ‘unfriended’ me. Me---the ‘Sweetheart’. Ha-ha! It was classic! This calls for a toast….
Hello, green tea. I would like to introduce myself. I am a fan of yours---in theory. I do LOVE tea…but have somehow let the soda & diet soda whim-whams take me over. Like a ‘pod-person’ only way more effervescent! Soda, you are my bubbly, delicious ‘habit’…green tea…let us be friends. I am such a ‘sipper’ always and ever needing to sip on something! Green tea…..it sounds so Zen…will I suddenly be ‘at one’ with all things? *Snort, no I predict I will be peeing more frequently, probably every hour-on-the-hour. Still, it makes me want to paint some bamboo…PLUS my kidneys will like me better, and maybe I will think more clearly…
Hello brain cells…I know that you just simply cannot be as slushy /sloppy as you seem. I promised my friends a blog post….dear, dear brain cells, dance and sing and strike up the ‘synapsis’ band! Well, at least shuffle your little brain-cell ‘feet’…No? Okay then, just try to look busy! There may not be many of you left, and you may even be using little tiny brain-cell ‘walkers’ and ‘rascals’ but still commence the dance!....
Hello dusty-rusty blog thoughts! The inside of my head may resemble a rest-home ‘rave’ on a Friday night…but I feel those little cells and synapsis! They are firing up! I might even be able to find my car-keys---at will… Hello!


  1. My sweet friend is back.... so fun and rewardingly funny to read.
    Much love,

  2. Thanks Tonya! Your readers have missed you! My heart always beats a little faster when I learn you have posted a new blog entry. My favorite was your brain cells with walkers! Especially dancing with them; love it! How I adore word pictures and never a shortage within your writing! Fantastic! So glad you are back!

  3. Ha-Ha...glad U like!!! Much love right back at ya. ~T~

  4. Thanks Renee...yes, it is true. They ALL have little walkers! Talk about a project! It kept me busy all winter! ;) T.

  5. Tonya you are the best. Best at understanding, best at writing what each of us feels and best of all your my friend :0)

  6. Aww! Kate. Thank you! And thank you for being such a lovely friend to me! :0)

  7. Love this blog. Also the art is absolutely stunning. Will follow you!!!

  8. When my mom (RIP) broke her femur five yrs ago, she had to go into a rehab center to start walking again. Most Friday nights, they had some form of entertainment for them....bingo, etc. Several times they had Elvis impersonator and you would have thought Elvis himself was there. They had more dancing energy and shake that thingy move going on at 85 than I do at 65. He sang to them and they swooned and tried to kiss him. I understand what you are saying. Your spaciousness is in direct proportion to your humor and mood. Your house is getting spruced up and your nooks and crannies are back. Welcome back my friend in Fibro Fits of Dysfunction. You are loved. I will never unfriend you - imagine - you - Pfft.
