Saturday, May 14, 2011


Within the busyness of this world, which of us fully lives in appreciation of this particular moment, I mean this exact sixty-seconds. We are human, with bills to pay and jobs to work at and oh-so-important things to get done. There are a million distractions that invite us not to pay attention to, or show up for our own lives. This time in which we live clearly seems to be the age of living vicariously through others. It occurs to me that this is a very human condition, but also very sad.
Gratitude, contentment and appreciation for those people God has chosen to surround us with is divine illumination. Sometimes we only get it in flashes with the rest of the time taken up with stumbling in the shadows of existing,and the blurriness of life daily lived.
Who among us can always be mindful that life can change forever with the next breath, the next heart beat. Things change and no matter how we wish them back, they cannot come. Change is inevitable, we know this, so why are we always so blind-sided when it comes? Wouldn't it be amazing if we each knew the exact moment that our lives had reached their happiest milestones? But, like missing an exit on the freeway, we often do not realize it until we are miles past. Sorrow and regret do not alter it, but I am trying to remember that slowing down and at least trying to read the signs does help...Tonya Willman *copyright 2011


  1. This is so true. It can be so hard to live in the moment. There are so many distractions pulling at us and taking us, many times, in the wrong direction. Change can be a very difficult thing, especially if we have not initiated the change. But you are so right, life is change. I think we need to learn to take advantage of what we do have right before us. We need to learn to be thankful for our blessings...because they are there, even when we cannot see them. Thank you for reminding me to 'wake up and smell the roses'. Take care!

  2. It sure has been on my heart of late, could be a very common thing for hitting fifty! (maybe I should take a poll...)LOL. Thanks Nancy...blessings! T

  3. very true. I was just thinking how better our lives would be if we were to function "in the moment". I know whenever I do that I get greater joy and contentment. Way less stress!

  4. Tonya,
    Although this post was wonderful and thought provoking, my heart is too full to respond right now! The subject is near and dear to my heart, but I don't do a very good job of living in my moments. God, forgive me.

  5. @ Susanne, yes I think just stopping to realize what grace is within the day is valuable, a way of cultivating gratitude and peace.
    @ Renee, I do not think you have anything that you need to ask God to forgive you for! The point of this little piece is to say; don't miss it, don't get so busy you miss your life. You are extrememly aware of what this means, probably more so than most people. I think that right now your favorite moments are from the past, but it will all catch up in time. That is nothing to feel bad about or think you need to be forgiven for. You are wonderful, and doing just fine, thank you very much! LOL. Really,I believe that you are exactly where the Lord knows that you need to be. Tonya.

  6. Oh, are the reading my thoughts today. Now I feel bad, I have missed the entire day doing something that does not make me happy just necessary; however, I should still be thankful for each moment God has given me. Material things come and go, but the people in our lives are the true Godly connection. Thanks for the reminder. Love ya.....

  7. Tonya, Thanks for your sweet, comforting words. They always bless me! The first reading of your post hit so close to home, but, I regrouped and intentionally lived in the moment as I tried to drift off to sleep last night... thanking God for everything from my family, to my full belly and comfy bed. I did it again during my devotional time today. If only I would remember to do this more often. What a blessing is always available to us! I too, appreciate the reminder!

  8. Renee, I think we are two peas in a pod...waaaay too hard on ourselves. I would say again to go gently with yourself, but I seem to have a bit of trouble with that as well! Oh, I am so glad He loves and accepts us just as we are, not to say He doesn't want to see us consistently grow and change into a beautiful reflection of Him, but He is so loving and patient, and THAT I need to focus on more than any of the rest of it... Peace, Tonya.

  9. I remember this thought provoking reminder to enjoy and live in the moment (although a bit hard while cleaning up dog puke or scrubbing a toilet.) A writer stated on how she wished she had treasured the last time her child had sat in her lap, she pondered this sweet moment long after the moment had passed. I try to remember this thought with my sweet grandchildren, treasuring each hug and cuddle on the lap.
