Thursday, September 16, 2010

Walking with God

        So, I was thinking about how needy we all are, (don’t deny it), and if not needy then certainly “want-y.” I’m sure we were never created to be so needy.  I asked the Lord about this, and thought of the fall of Adam & Eve in Genesis. I wondered; if they hadn’t blown it, and we were still walking with God in the pure way He intended, if sin had not ruined it, what would we be now? It is beyond imagination. The needs would be completely different because there would have been no taint of evil, no curse of the fall.
       Oh Eve, you gullible thing! If she had only ignored Satan (the serpent) and refused his lie which was: “that she would know all that God knows”, and become “like God”, she would have actually attained, in time, by walking with God, the very things the devil lied to her about. Would she have actually become a ‘god’? No. But she would have grown in knowledge and wisdom and grace to be one of the most magnificent creations of His hand. The World wants to be SO much more than it is, but it just wants to leave God out of the transformation. That’s soooo Eve, and Adam as well. She was deceived, but he rebelled knowingly. It amazes me. They walked with God in the Garden, and then threw it all away…
     But, Good News! Through Christ, God picked that thread back up, and continues it with us. Is it a sinful, fallen world now? Um, Yes. But God means to finish what He starts!  As Christians, God wants us to become more like Him every day, the closer we are to Him the more we reflect His image. He longs for us to be the very creations we were meant to be before the fall. The moment we become believers His Holy Spirit begins this work of transformation, earnestly working in us as new creatures in Christ. We slowly begin taking on His likeness, but like Eve, we want it NOW. (The Veruca Salt of woman-kind!)We are so impatient and gullible. So ready to believe the lies that seem to advance us in our self, and pride
     But, oh, she could have had it all, PLUS, the sweet friendship of God. Though we always want the quickest, easiest way out God is never in a hurry. The key is to match our step with His. Hebrews 4 tells us, as believers, to enter His rest, i.e. do not worry, because worry and faith cannot exist together, worry is really unbelief. If there is no belief that God will hold you up, how do you rest?
   God will continue His purpose that we become more Christ-like, more holy every moment of our lives. We can either relax on the Potter’s wheel as He shapes and molds us, or it can feel like being on the anvil under the hammer.
   Animals struggle under a gentle hand until they realize it is there to help and not hurt. Do you struggle? I totally do when things seem scary or out of control, I find myself wanting to protect ‘self’ at all costs. But the sweet, blessed peace of trusting Him and relaxing in God is a divine thing. There is nothing like it.
     So why do I pick the worry back up again? Because I am related to Eve, one of her many foolish daughters who will not wait, will not trust. The only cure for this malady of sin that I have inherited is to enter into that lovely rest, to walk daily with God in His ‘garden’. For me, it is an oasis in the madness of the world.  ~~Tonya Willman.
        “Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, behold all things have become new.” 2 Corinthians5:17
Tonya Willman ©2010


  1. Tonya, you are so wise. I totally agree with you. It seems so ridiculous, to keep picking up the worry. This has been THE stuggle of my life. Letting go of fear and "unfaith". I guess we need to be patient and understanding of our weakness. To enter into that lovely rest again.

  2. Dear Tonya, I love that you've chosen Eve as your topic. Interestingly enough, most people look only to the choice she made and judge it as bad. What we so often miss is the blessing she received from God to make that choice - free will.

    So here's a thought. I read your questions, "Is it a sinful, fallen world now?" You answered yes; but, is it really a sinful, fallen world, defined by our mistakes, or are we blessed, beloved children of God who struggle with moments of less-than perfect choices? I happen to believe we are perfect in our Father's eyes, and my faith tells me that the challenging choices we've made do not define us or our world. We have simply placed ourselves on a rockier path than we may otherwise need to be.

    It is through faith in God and our commitment to remain awake in our choicemaking that will bring us to our Father's door. Jesus came to us as a human being without sin, but not without human frailties. Even he overturned the tables in the temple.

    We may move faster and farther with hope, awareness of the gifts we are given, and fearlessness in faith and trust in both God and the gifts with which He's entrusted us.

    Just a thought. :-)



  3. Jim, you are such a lovely friend to me! Thank you so much for your gracious point of view. All I really know in my heart (call me a fundamentalist if you wish, lol) is what God's word tells me. Sadly I do believe this world is fallen. I am so happy for free-will, it has allowed me to choose my Savior, and each one has his own choice to make. But happily, as well, the word also tells me that He is coming back to set things right. And I do agree that God sees His children as perfect, but only through the blood of His precious Son. Because God is perfect one day so will we be, as we behold His beautiful face. Love you dear friend, T~~~~

  4. Absolutely Susanne. It is such a beautiful rest too! I so wish i didn't find myself leaping out of it at the worst possible times! But living in the moment, as you say, is the key.

  5. It is truly inspirational to see someone who loves God in the way you do, Tonya. I am so pleased to know that your peace is found in Jesus Christ. Although I am one who holds a different belief system, I wholly celebrate your faith. God bless you, in the truest sense of those words. I know He is blessing us with your presence. I love you, too, precious angel on Earth. :-) J-

  6. James, thank you so much for those lovely words. I love that we can accept these differences and keep such a fun and wonderful friendship. I am excited to know that you will keep reading the spiritual posts as well, I think it is a good thing. I will do the same as well, I feel that we will only have a richer friendship for it! :) Tonya
