Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fact, Faith, Feelings...

     I learned this saying a long time ago; “Fact, Faith, Feelings.” And it means, as many of you probably know, that Christians must not go by feelings alone. We must also be careful where we put our trust and faith. Fact, Faith, Feelings means that first; I know what the facts of the Bible are. I study “To show myself approved.” If I know God’s word, if I know what it really says about His character and my salvation and how He relates to me; then I will be far less likely to be tripped up by the enemy.
     Once I understand who He really is I can confidently put my faith in Him. NOT faith in self or others, or even faith in my own faith for that matter, but faith in Him. People will let me down. And I can easily deceive my own self, especially if I go by my feelings alone. I know that my feelings are fickle and they often change moment to moment. And, of course, faith in my own faith is like a five year-old wishing on a star and believing with all of their heart that their wish will be granted.
     True faith is a beauteous thing. The Bible says we cannot please God without it. Waiting quietly on the Lord is a good thing when bad things happen or when things do not happen like we feel they should, because this is usually when fear threatens to overtake us.
     Mark 6:50 speaks of Jesus walking on the stormy water out to the boat where His disciples were. They were afraid and cried out, supposing they were seeing a ghost. But Jesus just said to them; “Be of good cheer. It is I, be not afraid.”  He is saying to them, “Hey…It’s ME!!! Don’t be afraid! In fact, I’ll climb into the boat with you in the middle of this storm. I’ll take care of it, I’ll calm it.” And He always does.
     Fear, dread and worry are NOT from God. In fact worry and faith cannot co-exist. Have you ever seen a peaceful worrier? When Jesus and His disciples traveled to his own home-town the Bible says the people didn’t receive Him and He could not do many miracles because the people had no faith! God can do anything, any time He chooses but He limits Himself. He chooses to work through our faith for everything in our lives. Including; salvation, sanctification, healings, victories and deliverance from the enemy.
     When we read the Gospels and watch Jesus healing people, over and over we hear Him say; “Your faith has made you whole.” NOT faith in our faith, but simple faith in Him. This is the way He chooses to shine. This is how He releases His power to us. He is bigger, mightier and stronger than any problem, person, thing or obstacle in our lives.
     When we finally know that-- when we trust Him-- that is when He moves on our behalf. When we stand and believe and praise that is when He unleashes His power like a mighty flood. Always, always and forever what the Devil means for evil-- God means for good. Romans 8:28 tells us that God always has a good plan for us.
     Times get hard, they do. Things happen that we cannot possibly understand. We ask “Why?” and we fall on our faces and weep. The truth is that we live in a sinful fallen world. We live in a world where everyone has freedom of choice, even the bad people. We live in a world where Satan does everything he can to influence the world towards ugliness and sin and destruction.
      But In all this, God’s word says, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. This is what the early Church was told as they were being martyred and fleeing the wrath of the Caesars. How? How can we be more than conquerors in situations like that? Jesus. He is our King. He holds us up. He walks through the fire and the waters with us. He makes a way for us. He delivers us when it seems like there should be no possible way of delivery. And if He chooses that this is the day we suffer for His name sake or if this is the day that He is bringing us home to Himself; then His mightiness shows even clearer and purer and higher because, and I guarantee you, when that happens it is like a seed being planted in the ground. He will raise up a hundred more believers because of it. He will cause those who will not even speak His name unless it is to curse Him, to fall on their knees before Him. Lives will change.
      Yes, the world fell with Adam & Eve’s choice. But God never stopped working on our behalf. He just rolled up His sleeves and worked all the harder, because He loves us that much. Read the Revelation. Oh you think you have seen some intense movies. You think you have read some thrillers!!! There is a war for the souls of men, and it will be fought to the final moment. But I am going to give you a spoiler here: God wins!!! Jesus the King is victorious!
    The world will not always be this way-- Heartache and riots and evil and destruction and predator and prey are not forever. God wins, so that means that all of us who believe in His Son, and the sacrifice He paid for us, win too!
     Know what you believe and get to know the One in whom you believe. Don’t put too much stock in your feelings; either the scary ones or the mountain-top happy ones. Satan is the master manipulator of feelings. If your feelings line up with God’s word, Woo Hoo! Rejoice and stand. But in the fear, we must stand and praise too, because that is faith. That is saying, “I don’t care what the situation looks like Jesus, I trust you! You will take care of it.” And then, oh then….Watch Him work!

Tonya Willman ©2010



  1. Beautiful my sweet friend. Oh, I am so thankful for that Godly lesson. Our faith is not on feeling. Praise God. It is built on Jesus and Him alone. Blessings to you and your family.

  2. Thank you so much Jules!He is so faithful! He is so awesome!!! And thanks for being such a committed reader of my blog. Love ya, Tonya~~~

  3. Thank you Tonya for this. It helps to remind me what real faith is and never to give up on God. You have lifted me up with this!

  4. Thanks Susanne, I have to remember it everyday too! LOL...He is so good and faithful to us! Love ya, Tonya~~
