Thursday, April 7, 2011


     My poor, fuzzy little brain. It is becoming increasingly ill-equipped to deal with the hard stuff, and I am not referring to 80-proof! For instance, recently we had to deal with banking matters that were WAY more complicated than my basic deposit/withdrawal abilities are used to. As we plunged deeper into the FDIC twilight-zone, I started to flounder. While trying to find misplaced and errant papers I began to stop mid-process, turn a slow circle, and ask myself; “Now, what did I come in here for?”
     Recently, I have been telling my friends and family that I am taking on more and more *Aunt Clara*-type tendencies. {If you do not know who Aunt Clara was, were you born under a rock? No? Ahh, then you must be under fifty years of age. Egads! Seriously, a bit of research on the show ‘Bewitched” from the 1960’s will enlighten you.}  Anyway, I have given this tragic affliction a name; ACS or ‘Aunt-Clara-Syndrome.’
     Besides collecting door knobs and wrestling with complete sentences, I find that the more complicated the task---as in any of the afore-mentioned basic financial transaction skills---the more befuddled I become. You may scoff, but I used to be a maniac of a multi-tasker! Now I consider breathing, blinking, involuntary kidney function, etc.…AND attempting whatever duty that is actually at hand brilliant “multi-tasking”.
   ACS will eventually require me to wear a skewed hat and also carry a carpet-bag for the door knobs. No worries there, however I am concerned about the bulky little wool-knit blend suits. Still it is inevitable and I have resigned myself to such facts as; my hair is beginning to seek out---unbidden---the same ‘spun-sugar’ texture as hers, my intense interest in door knobs is becoming a possible 12-Step-addiction, AND making giant messes when trying to be helpful is becoming the norm.
    Here’s an interesting fact: When a newly opened box of Reynold’s Wrap leaps from your hands and flies out before you like a bright shiny runway carpet, how fast it unfurls is in direct proportion to how desperately you clutch and grab at it. If you are tragically afflicted with ACS it doesn’t merely ‘unfurl’ no, it skitters off, laughing manically. Trying to keep it all off of the floor to avoid the dog hair is like waltzing with an octopus or possibly disentangling yourself from the fishing-net on an ocean-going trawler. Not that I have actually done either…but I bet Aunt Clara has!
   Another thing that you may not know ---and I could have gone another fifty years without finding this out---is that trying to smoothly roll it all back up again is like trying to get the toothpaste back in the tube or unsweeten the tea. It doesn’t work too well, yeah…not so much. It actually increases to about ten times its own girth around the tube. [Note to physics teachers: you might want to look into this.] This colossally useless roll is now sitting in my kitchen--sans box; in all of its shiny, naked crinkliness. It may be hairy but you just don’t throw good foil away!
   I share this cautionary tale with you only to emphasize how vital it is that you immediately become highly nervous and fearful that, you too, may develop this unfortunate syndrome. Please do NOT mistake ACS for mere early-onset senility, oh if it were only that clear-cut. Below are the top three symptoms an ACS sufferer might pass through…or not.
1.) The Phoebe Buffay Blurt –It may begin subtly, but eventually the brain disengages from the mouth. You actually stop possessing an inner monologue, loudly announcing opinions, whilst in public, that best remain private. You divulge secrets to the whole room which friends had entrusted you with years ago…but alas you forgot that part. You did not forget however; what your friend did after the Peter Frampton concert in the parking lot! Thirty-five years later you feel the need to share the merriment with her grown children. She is NOT amused, they are, but she is NOT
2.) The Rose Nylund Blather--With this symptom you may find yourself nattering incessantly about subjects that no one else even remotely cares about, such as ‘Uncle Fingerbinger and his 60 pound rutabaga.’ Or as Rose put it; “My mother always used to say: ‘The older you get, the better you get, unless you're a banana.’
3.) The Aunt Clara Waffle—Now in full-blown ACS; you may find yourself in Wal-Mart, dithering over two seemingly identical packages of solid-color curtains, anxiously clutching them, and trying to decide between them because----get ready----one is tab-top and one is standard! In this stage of ACS you will stay there in piteous indecision until your sister insists that you just “pick a freakin’ pair.”---True story.
    Though there is no known cure for ACS---not even a stinking telethon, or a dollar of federal research funds---the best form of treatment is to….um…whaddaya-call-it??? Embrace it! Once you give up trying to be functional you just feel so much better! People begin to accept you, you begin to accept you. It’s nice. Just don’t expect anybody to go curtain shopping with you. Tonya Willman


  1. Why didn't you tell me years ago this is what I had?

  2. LOL!!! Kimmy...I had to SELF diagnose to figure it out! Hey I heard "Daniel" on the radio today...Oh wait,...shhhhhh! T~~

  3. I need curtains and I do suffer from the ACS malady. I now am the proud owner of one old door knob and unless I throw it at someone, it is in pretty good shape. Like me, it has seen better days but still working - sorta. As far as dog hair, I was just speaking with my daughter about my (provoiding) cleaning the house and all the hairy dog fluff flying around. I decided to collect it and make a pillow--recycled dog hair. What do ya think? I think it is far worthier to wipe out ACS than the Cowboy Poem contest, but that is just me. I find myself walking in Kohl's and don't remember why. I am so dizzy most of the time, I am sure I look like a drunk but, at least, I am still upright. Thank you God for any blessings you can bestow upon us afflicted with AACS=Advanced Aunt Clars Syndromw. S

  4. Oh Tonya, you are such a riot!!! I understand how frustrating banking befuddlement can be. And I can picture you doing the aluminum foil tango! Surely between all of us we will come up with a "green" use for hairy foil! I still have tears trickling down as I type this! Your ‘Uncle Fingerbinger and his 60 pound rutabaga.’ made me lose it, seriously! In my case, I did not have the benefit of the early warnings, but I can tell you, I have been doing the "The Aunt Clara Waffle" for years, maybe decades! That's why I love to shop by myself. I would have no friends, trust me! So which kind of curtains did you get? My cure for the ACS Waffle is to bring them all home, try them on and take them all back, because i still can''t settle: PATHETIC! So do you want to start a club? Support group? Sharing our stories would be fun among us incurables! Thank you for validating me! I feel so much better now! Thank you for the gift of laughter; you made my day! Lots of love to you! Renee'

  5. Sue & Renee...Whew...so good to know I am not alone here. So many, many of us----tragically-afflicted. Maybe we have no cure *sniff, but we have hit upon the perfect therapy. Understanding friends and excessive amounts of laughter!!! Oh it is vital! Sue...*gasp...AACS, Shiznit! I did not realize that there is yet another stage! O_O...oh well! No worries. Maybe we could all descend on the Mall together....sort of swarm it, with our hats and carpetbags, umbrellas and doorknobs at the ready! Now that would be a day that would live in infamy!!!

  6. Maybe a flash mob of ACS suffers! Yes, that would be a sight and a half!

  7. Kate said the same thing...But sadly, at least speaking for myself, ACS sufferers usually do not have the coordiation or concentration it takes to participate in a flash mob...we pretty much stay 4 to 5 steps behind, and tend to wander off...we get distracted by bright shiny objects.......=0)

  8. I'm loving this blog! I now know what a young ADHD will become... ACS! I have always wondered why there are so many choices in stores... AND how to get back out of the store because all the shiny objects distract from my sense of direction... hmmmmmm, now just where was that door and who took my car... I know it was here in this row... hmmmmm, did I walk... no, I remember distinctly that I drove to Redding! I guess I must get a carpet bag and fill it with doorknobs to complete this diagnosis... hmmmm, what was I saying?

  9. LOL!!!! Oh it seems to be an epidemic in maturer circles...I believe I have hit upon something here and would do well to write a research grant....Nah! I'd never finish it. All my research data would be skewed because I would remain long on hypothesis and short on proven data, BUT OH! The anecdotal stories would confirm it all! Next thing you know some body's wearing ribbons for us! A march gets organized...and nobody shows up...The ones that do, just end up circling the park losing our hats, and feeding the birds....Hide your door knobs, "we are a fringe element that cannot be counted upon to do the right thing"...

  10. At last, you helped me find a diagnosis. I have been looking for years!!! "Plop, plop,Fizz, Fizz...Oh what a relief it is'!!! If you do not remember this one...you are definitely under 50! This is a great one, Tonya. Thank you! About the foil, have you not heard about the new Art called 'foil sculpture'. It is beautiful...you take hairy foil and scrunch it up in odd shapes, then you add a touch of spray paint! Again, thank you for the humor!!

  11. Menancy! You are brilliant. I am going to make THE most awesome, kick butt, hairy foil sculpture EVER! Then I shall auction it off for ACS research...Okay,I am,in fact,doing the research, buwahahahaha! I think this calls for intensive 'Mall' research...
