Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Here’s what I wonder…

*Why did they name them Hover-Rounds and Rascals? What elderly person wants to be known as the one who ‘hovers around’ in their little motorized seat? “Where’s grandma?”, “Oh, she’s just ‘hovering around.’---- Also, who thought the name “Rascal” was cute? Seriously, this gives the senior citizen, who is basically just trying to maneuver through his or her day without activating the Medic-Alert system, all the grace and dignity of a toddler in its Johnny-Jump-Up.

*How come, when I go to the Home Town Buffet; get all my own utensils and food, fetch my own drink and have to set my unsightly leavings on the edge of the table, as though begging for a garbage pick-up, do I feel horribly guilty if I do not leave a tip?

*How come, in this age of trumped up, hyper-excessive self-esteem; in which everyone under the age of thirty actually believes that they are either the next American Idol (when in fact they sing like two cats trapped in a sack) or ---even if they are extremely white--- somehow believe they are Eminem-ish, Puff-Diddy-P-Daddy-Def Jam-gangsta-large-pants cool AND anticipate their very own reality show at any moment---BUT--- also subconsciously realize that they have been thoroughly duped by the collective psycho-babble drivel and then desperately listen to every commercial that tells them that they are ‘Without’? Wouldn’t it stand to reason that if people really did have true ‘self-esteem’, commercials telling them how piteous they are without the ‘latest and coolest’ clothes-shoes-thingys-gizmos would have virtually no effect?

*Why---along the same line of reasoning---do they never use a woman over thirty-five for wrinkle cream commercials? You know why you look so good honey? BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT OLD!!! And yet WHY have I bought ten different brands of it myself, hoping each time for a dramatically different result? And, why do I fall for phrases like ‘serum’ and ‘hydrolic-revitalizers’? And, do you think Madison Avenue stinks on ice? (Discuss amongst yourselves.)

*How come, when you arrive early to the empty theater for a movie---in order to claim your favorite spot---does someone (with the whole theater to choose from) without fail owlishly make a bee-line to either sit right next to you or directly in front of, or behind you? This person will inevitably commence crunching, slurping and-or-speaking loudly into their cell phone before their double-wide butt has even fully lowered into their seat. Also if you did not choose to watch ‘Saw IV-Chain Saw-Slasher-Demon-Texas-Massacre’---and perhaps even if you did---they will often have two toddlers and a surly six-year-old in-tow. If they are behind you they will kick your seat. If they are beside you they will crumple their candy wrappers and whine, sneeze and cough on you repeatedly (and those are just the adults) and if---Lord help you---they are in front of you, each child will turn to stare at you, through all of the previews and half of the movie, with either large doleful eyes or a hostile, suspicious glare plus the bonus runny nose. Isn’t little Madison-Phineas-Caitlyn-Harlow-Isabella-Brody adorable? Feel free to make menacing gestures.

*Why is it appropriate to label larger sizes for women PLUS or QUEEN-SIZED or my favorite, FULL-FIGURED, but it is NOT appropriate to use these same terms for men’s apparel? You will never hear it said, “Well, George just cannot pull that look off, he is a KING-SIZE.” Or “Earl is a great guy with a wonderful personality, and such a handsome face, too bad he is so…FULL-FIGURED.” The closest they come is when they label the fat-little-boy’s section “husky”…oh but it’s okay, he’s “husky.” Just look at that future football player. If we bigger girls must endure the euphemisms, why not; ‘STATUESQUE’ or ‘ZAFTIG’ or possibly even the ‘REUBENESQUE’ section? Oh wait…how about a big old sign that just says ‘DANGEROUS CURVES AHEAD’?---Come on people, class it up! Tonya Willman ©2011


  1. Lady, you are so funny! I especially like the 'wrinkle cream' part...the only wrinkles those women have seen are on their linen clothes!! LOVE IT! I needed a good laugh...thanks!

  2. Thanks Nancy, I'm glad I could make you laugh. Well, ya know...I do wonder---T.

  3. It is all true, Tonya, right down to the snot-nose kid in an inappropriate movie. We had to move to new seats in the middle of a movie because we were getting flatulence-like waves of stench rolling in like the ocean. Someone got a good laugh when we moved.

  4. Anymore, I have to ask myself just how bad I really want to see that movie! It takes a lot to pay 9 bucks to get in, then somewhere upwards of 15 bucks for a candy-bar...THEN be subjected to commercials...and people deliberately invading my kill-zone...Oh the humanity...on the schedule? Breaking Dawn in the Fall...I am gearing up now.

  5. Tonya, I love your comical, though true wondering! Like Nancy, I enjoyed the wrinkle cream reference. What really gets me is the before and after ads that magically make decades of aging disappear. If only we could also air-brush our imperfections and drooping skin! Wouldn't that be grand?!!!
    As far as movies are concerned, you could do like I do and just wait for the movie to be available for home viewing. I just can't rationalize that kind of spending and then have to endure all the inconsideration you mentioned above...just not worth it! Of course, you also have to be okay with never knowing what people are talking about at social gatherings or even on FB. Personally, I'm okay with being oblivious most of the time. It works for me.
    Thanks for sharing, you made me smile as always!

  6. Hi Tonya,
    I really enjoyed this, you are as ever, so witty and refreshingly fun. I am in total agreement with you on the wrinkle creams. I put them right up there with the weight loss ads showing people who are already a size 2 and were a size 3 at their heaviest, lol.... its all such a racket. I love your artwork too... :)

  7. Thanks ladies. Renee, no worries about being oblivious...that is how I have come to live my life, and I think I like it!!! O_O
    Yes, to anon...I JUST saw a commercial for a weight loss product. The girl was a whopping size 8 ---a virtual heifer---and plummeted down to a size ZERO. ZERO!!! I suppose her next goal is to lose enough so that light will actually pass through her...Pfft!

  8. All soooo true. The only one you left out is the switching lines in the grocery store only to find the new line has a price being checked, the register not working, or the little old man counting out change. Maybe it's only me. : ) Love your writing, Tonya!

  9. Ha! Oh yeah, that one drives me crazy too, Susan! Oh, and the people who have a million coupons! Oh wait, no, sorry that's me!!! *snort. Seriously,we are 'clippers' and I am quite sure we drive people around the bend at the WinCo....but then how would you be able to tell?????

  10. Dear mrs Tonya!
    I love your wisdome
    I love your sense of humour!
    and I just LOVE you!!

    My comment was to be intended small and brief,
    yet whenever i read your posts i giggle like a fool and always have a whole book of words to say!
    so the fact that my post turned into an essay i just posted it as a blog on my page!
    Just so you know, my responce is the whole thing over there O_O...
    i hope you have 5 days to read it!


  11. HAHAHA! Oh Zara, I am heading over there right now, can't wait! Love, Tonzya!!!!
